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Rolling Western Union Musik Elton John/Text Bernie Taupin erschienen in der Jewell Box 2020
served upon this railroad for longer than I know
My father and his father did the same thing long ago To keep the Western Union rolling down towards the sea The benefit of this great line is built for you and me
So Rolling Western Union, you can roll
on to the sea
Ten thousand miles of beaten steel has made a man out of me In every state I've driven home a rivet with my hands Oh it's Rolling Western Union rolling onwards, onwards through our land
friends of mine who died upon the building of this line
Irishmen and Chinamen and some from the British Isles I've even seen the convicts come to work here for a while Before the law caught up with them and sent them back for trial
So Rolling Western Union, you can roll
on to the sea
Ten thousand miles of beaten steel has made a man out of me In every state I've driven home a rivet with my hands Oh it's Rolling Western Union rolling onwards, onwards through our land
I had a
wife while on the job a hundred miles on back
She died in Oklahoma and I laid her by the track All that's left is a wooden cross upright on a mound And every time the train rolls past, it rumbles, rumbles in the ground
So Rolling Western Union, you can roll
on to the sea
Ten thousand miles of beaten steel has made a man out of me In every state I've driven home a rivet with my hands Oh it's Rolling Western Union rolling onwards, onwards through our land
© 1970