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Juli 2016
30. Juli 2016 +++ Eilmeldung: Elton John geht in Rente - ein Artikel von radiobremen.de
Eigentlich wollen wir nur das Sommerloch füllen und keine Angst und Schrecken verbreiten. Aber als ich diesen Artikel heute morgen im Forum gelesen habe musste ich den einfach hier posten: Springpferd Elton John geht in RenteLange Karriere trotz schweren UnfallsEine Stoffmaske schützt auf Turnieren sein verbranntes Gesicht und ist zum Markenzeichen geworden: Das Bremer Springpferd Elton John wird am Samstag bei den Elmloher Reitertagen offiziell in den Ruhestand verabschiedet. Sein Reiter Hergen Forkert erzählt im Interview die besondere Geschichte von Elton John, der trotz eines schweren Unfalls in den Sport zurückkehrte. Elton John schaut entspannt aus der Box im Stallzelt bei den Elmloher Reitertagen. Ein letztes Mal durfte er noch mit aufs Turnier, auch wenn er nicht mehr an den Start geht. Hänger fahren ist für den Wallach kein Problem, dabei wäre er vor neun Jahren auf der Rückfahrt von Elmlohe beinahe im Lkw verbrannt. Durch einen defekten Lüfter hatte sich die Decke im Anhänger entzündet. Der ganze vordere Bereich stand in Flammen. Nur mit Mühe und viel Glück konnte Hergen Forkert das Pferd überhaupt noch aus dem Hänger herausbekommen, doch Elton John war schwer verbrannt. Nach Luftröhrenschnitt zurück in den SportMehrere Monate stand Elton John in der Klinik. Er konnte nicht selbst atmen, ein Luftröhrenschnitt und Infusionen hielten ihn zunächst am Leben. Doch Hergen Forkert sah immer den Lebenswillen des heute 17-jährigen Pferdes. Elton John wurde wieder gesund und das Erfolgspferd des Bremer Springreiters. Die Erfahrung hat Pferd und Reiter eng zusammengeschweißt. Neun Jahre lang gingen sie noch erfolgreich in den Parcours. Mit Elton John gewann Hergen Forkert mehrfach in Elmlohe. Sie waren auch beim Deutschen Springderby in Hamburg platziert ebenso wie bei den German Classics in Bremen. Auch heute noch ist Elton John "topfit" wie Hergen Forkert sagt. Doch sein Reiter ist überzeugt, dass sich das Springtalent seinen Ruhestand nun auch verdient hat. Am Sonnabend wird Elton John auf den Elmloher Reitertagen verabschiedet. Den Artikel und ein kleines Video könnt Ihr euch hier anschauen >>
29. Juli 2016 Heute vor 40 Jahren - Elton John Live im Chicago Stadium "Louder Than Concorde Tour"
Heute vor 40 Jahren spielte Elton im Rahmen der "Louder Than Concorde Tour" 1976 in Chicago im Chicago Stadium. Es war dies die letzte von insgesamt vier ausverkauften Shows in Chicago. Wir möchten mit der Setlist an diese tolle Tour erinnern:
Grow Some Funk Of Your Own
Flashback: I guess he´s just the coolest guy I´ve ever seen
Wir haben mal wieder ein tolles Foto in einem sozialen Netzwerk gefunden. Hier sehen wir Elton John Anett Murray, Nigel Olsson, Clive Franks, John Reid, Dee Murray und Steve McQueen am Set von dessen neuen Film "The Gateway" im Jahr 1972.
In a bright red Porsche on Sunset I saw Steve McQueen
19. Juli 2016 +++ Exklusiv für eltonjohn-fan.de: Interview mit Billy Trudel +++
Wir haben es mal wieder geschafft und ein ehemaliges Bandmitglied für ein Interview zu gewinnen. Wir haben Billy Trudel, ehemaliger Backgroundsänger in der Elton John Band, 12 Fragen über seine Zeit in der Band geschickt. Hier ist das Interview: Hello Billy, thank you for the readiness to make an Interview with us. We are very proud to do that with you. Here are my Questions: eltonjohn-fan.de; When did you first meet Elton and how did you come to join the Elton John Band? Billy: I first met Elton in 1991 at a dinner party that I was invited to with Davey Johnstone and Nigel Olsson and our manager at the time Phil Blurton, that's when we had a band together called War pipes. We were in New York on a promotional tour for our new record and Elton was hosting a dinner party at the Four Seasons Restaurant for a record called "Two Rooms" that all his friends in the industry recorded performing one of his and Bernie Taupin songs. A few years later 1995 I got invited to sing with Elton at the Academy Awards when he won his Oscar for The Lion King. That was my first introduction to working with Elton.
eltonjohn-fan.de: When did you start touring with Elton and how many shows did you sing with Elton? Billy. I first started touring with Elton in 1997. John Mahon and myself would both got the audition to join out and storing the Band full time . John and I would get together twice a week at my house to learn Elton songs, I think we learned about 60 songs all together then about a month-and-a-half later we flew Nice, to rehearse for a one-off show in Aschaffenburg Germany in front of 70,000 people . Elton felt if we can do a show this big we can do anything. It was a great show, I kept trying without me until the end of 2000 when I sang with him for the last time at Madison Square Garden where we recorded the DVD CD One Night Only. I'm not sure how many shows I did with him but I think it's somewhere around 150 to 160.
eltonjohn-fan.de: Let us talk about the “One Night Only” shows in October 2000. Elton introduced you with the words “singing and dancing like a maniac”. What can you tell us about the “Magic” of these two nights in October 2000? Billy: Preparing for the One Night Only concert was weeks of hard work making sure everything sounded amazing then as all the artists that were coming in to sing at the concert, we had to change keys and styles to adapt to their voice. So as far as the magic, that is the end result from all the hard work. You're so busy trying to get everything right that you're really don't have time to get caught up in what's happening but seeing it later, made me proud to be a part of it.
eltonjohn-fan.de: In the video we can see, that you have a lot of fun on stage and with the audience. What is it like to sing on stage with stars like Elton John, Brian Adams, Anastacia and all the others? Billy: Rather you're singing with a Megastar or somewhere intimate in front of a small group of people, you always want to be the best you can be. I love singing and performing it's a part of who I am. I also love being in the studio recording and writing a song, doing something that was just a thought that you sit down and write it on a piece of paper then put what you wrote on that paper to music and creating a melody with emotion and feeling . There's nothing like that, just like standing on a stage in front of thousands of people and feeling their energy, it becomes an addiction, you fall in love with the adrenaline.
eltonjohn-fan.de: In the introduction of “Don´t Let The Sun Go Down On Me” you can guess, that something went wrong in the first show. Can you tell us what went wrong? Billy: I don't remember what went wrong or if anything went wrong at all. Even if there was a mistake that's part of the art of doing something live. One thing I loved about working with Elton was that he was a true perfectionist, and that made me always want to be better. So if you were out in the audience and saw something happen, then you can see how much of a perfectionist he was and still is. There are not very many artists out there that can sustain a career of 40 plus years and still do it as great as he does.
eltonjohn-fan.de: What is your favorite Elton Song to sing on stage? Billy: I love all of elton's music, but I have to say that to really stick out in my mind. The first one was Someone Saved My Life Tonight, because of the personal meaning behind it and the other was Bennie and the Jets, because when I was in Middle School the first time I had to do a performance in front of anyone in drama class I did a monologue dress like Elton John and lip sync Bennie and the Jets, it was that moment on that I got the bug to be an artist. Who would have thought all those years later I would actually be on stage singing Bennie and the Jets with Elton John?0
eltonjohn-fan.de: In the 90´s you had a project with some members of the Elton John Band called “War Pipes”. Are you still playing together? Billy: In 1989 1990 I was doing a lot of sessions in the studio, making my living as a session singer. I had a recording contract at Chrysalis records in 1985 too 1987. And even though I was on MTV and all over the radio, I was completely broke. So when my contract was up, I went out and started getting work doing sessions singing on other people's records. And I was back making money. One of the jobs I did was singing a title song for a cartoon called pigsberg pigs. After you during that session the next day, I got a call from another singer by the name of David Joyce. Apparently I took the job away from him. I didn't even know I was competing with anybody, but the reason why he called me was he was talking to Davey Johnstone who is looking to put a new band together. David thought I would be perfect for this band. He asked me if he could give my phone number to Davey Johnstone. At the time I was a little put off making records as an artist again because I didn't want to be broke. But then I thought hey why not let's see what happens. So a few minutes later my phone rang again, this time it was Davey Johnstone and he was telling me about this new project he had called Warpipes. After meeting with Davey and Guy Babylon, I thought it would be a lot of fun to be in a band with these guys. So I said I will do this for 2 days a week so that I can keep making money and paying my bills the other 5 days a week. They agreed to that so on Tuesdays and Thursdays we went into the studio to record. And the end result was we made a really good record together. I have so many good memories of those days and being in a band with those guys Davey Nigel Bob Birch and Guy Babylon we're all outstanding musicians, and I felt honored to be a part of it.
eltonjohn-fan.de: Do you have any current projets? Billy: I just released a new CD on Escape music, with a long time friend of mine Michael Thompson who is a great guitar player. Our project is called Culver Kingzs. The record just launched a few weeks ago and is already getting great reviews. The other project I'm doing now is called Billy T and the Soul. It's a very old school Soul project that I have always wanted to do. I can't wait for people to hear this.
eltonjohn-fan.de: Are you still in touch with Elton or some Members of the band? Billy: Last time I saw him was about 5 years ago, I went to see the Face To Face tour in Phoenix Arizona. I was with a few of my friends who played professional baseball the San Francisco Giants. It was so good to see him and catch up. I still talk to Davey from time to time, and John and sometimes Nigel. But they're always busy and I'm busy in another Direction. But I will always have love for all those guys and the years I spent with Elton John.
eltonjohn-fan.de: If you would have the opportunity to tour with Elton again, would you agree or not? Billy: I would always love to sing with Elton. And being in a band as good as that is always a blessing. I know all the guys very well, Kim Bullard and I have been working together since the mid-eighties, and Matt I know but not that well. But right now I'm very happy making my own music.
eltonjohn-fan.de: We heard about “flying chicken” from John Mahon and “ice cubes” from Kim Bullard. Can you tell us a funny story about you and Elton? Billy: There are way too many funny stories with Elton, he is a lot of fun on the road. I used to love when we would be at soundcheck and it would start writing songs more like jingles. We would throw out some random thing like write a song about a refrigerator. Pendleton would sit at the piano and come up with the most bizarre lyrics to try to sale a refrigerator. It was hysterical. If he never made it as an artist he would have definitely had a career in advertisement.
eltonjohn-fan.de: My last question: Do you have any Elton records in your rack? Billy: I have Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, which is an uncirculated double album that is original that Elton signed Bernie signed and Davy and Nigel signed. I also have Captain Fantastic, Tumbleweed Connection and Caribou. All of them great records. Billy, we like to say thank you for this great Interview!
17. Juli 2016 Elton John und Band Live in Barolo/Italien am 15. Juli 2016 - die Setlist und eine kleine Bildergalerie Hier ist die Setlist vom Elton John Konzert in Barolo/Italien vom 15. Juli 2015:
The Bitch Is Back Bennie and the Jets I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues Looking Up A Good Heart Philadelphia Freedom Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) Tiny Dancer Daniel Levon Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Burn Down the Mission Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word Your Song Sad Songs (Say So Much) Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me All the Girls Love Alice I'm Still Standing Your Sister Can't Twist (But She Can Rock 'n Roll) Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting
Candle in the Wind Crocodile Rock
Burn Down The Mission in Barolo/Italien am 15. Juli 2016:
16. Juli 2016 Elton John und Band Live in Porto/Portugal am 14. Juli 2016 - die Setlist und eine kleine Bildergalerie
Hier ist die Setlist vom Elton John Konzert in Porto am 14. Juli 2016:
The Bitch Is Back Candle In The Wind
15. Juli 2016 +++ Breaking News: Elton John und Band in Nizza - alle sind Wohlauf +++
Hallo Elton Fans,
irgendwie haben wir heute Morgen alle von dem schrecklichen Anschlag in Nizza gehört. Am frühen Vormittag popten dann zwei Posts von Kim Bullard und John Mahon auf:
Der Post von Kim Bullard:
Elton John und seine haben haben am gestrigen Abend ein Konzert in Porto/Potugal gespielt und sind anschließend nach Nizza zurück gekehrt. Das Hotel von Kim und John liegt unmittelbar an der Strasse, wo der schreckliche Anschlag stattgefunden hat. Auf dem Weg zu ihrem Hotel müssen sie das ganze Ausmaß der Katastrophe mit ihren eigenen Augen gesehen haben. Die Frau von Kim soll sich sogar während der Amokfahrt (zum Glück) im Hotel aufgehalten haben.
Elton und Familie halten sich ebenfalls zur Zeit in Nizza auf. Allen geht es gut, auch den anderen Bandmitgliedern.
Elton hat sich auch im Laufe des Vormittags zu den Ereignissen geäußert. Hier sind seine Worte: I
love Nice
Hier ist der Link zu Elton´s Instagram Account >>
Heute Abend spielt Elton in Baroso/Italien. Ob das Konzert unter diesen Umständen und eindrücken stattfinden wird?
Unser Mitgefühl gilt allen Opfern und deren Angehörigen.
Wir werden Euch dem Laufenden halten sobald es Updates um Elton John und seine Band gibt.
Euer Webmaster
11. Juli 2016 The next song is called 'I have no more pickled onions at home! - Elton John Live in Albi 10. Juli 2016 Hier ist die Setlist vom Konzert vom 10. Juli 2016 in Alobi/Frankreich im Rahmen des Festival Pause Guitar. Elton harderte ein wenig mit seinem Piano und dem Publikum. Als sie bei der Ansage eines Songs von Madman Across The Water nicht entsprechend reagierten kündigte er den folgenden Song so an: "The next song is called 'I have no more pickled onions at home!"
The Bitch Is back
7. Juli 2016 Elton John und Band Live in Henley-on-Thames am 06.07.2016 - die Setlist Hier ist die Setlist vom Konzert in Henley on Thames vom 6. Juli 2016. Da dieses Konzert im Rahmen eines Festivals stattgefunden hat ist die Setlist deutlich kürzer als einem normalen Konzert:
The Bitch Is back
6. Juli 2016 Happy Birthday John Jorgenson
John Jorgenson, ehemaliger Gitarrist der Elton john Band, feiert heute seinen 60. Geburtstag. Wir möchten an dieser Stelle herzlich zum Geburtstag gratuliueren! LKass es Dir heute besonders gut gehen und lass Dich feiern. Die Fans von www.eltonjohn-fan.de.
3. Juli 2016 Elton John und Band Live in Trondheim/Sverresborg Arena am 1. Juli 2016 - die Setlist Hier ist die Setlist vom Elton John Konzert in Trondheim/Sverresborg Arena vom 1. Juli 2016:
Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word Sad Songs (Say So Much)Blue Wonderful Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me Your Sister Can't Twist (But She Can Rock 'n Roll) Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting
On The Cover Of A Magazin: Elton John auf dem Titelblatt des Sunnmorsposten
Heute vor vier Jahren - Elton John und Band Live in Oberhausen
Heute vor vier Jahren spielte Elton John mit Band ein Konzert im KönigPalast in Oberhausen. Im Hintergrund dieses Bildes sieht man Bob Birch sitzen. Knapp sechs Wochen später nahm er sich das Leben, weil er seine Schmerzen offenbar nicht mehr aushalten konnte. Wir möchten an dieser Stelle mit der Setlist an dieses Konzert erinnern:
Saturday night
alright for fighting
Bennie and the jets
Grey seal
Tiny dancer
Mona Lisas
Phildelphia freedom
Candle in the wind
Goodbye yellow brick
Rocket man
Hey Ahab
I guess that’s why
they call it the blues
Funeral for a
friend/Love lies bleeding
Honky cat
Sad songs
Sorry seems to be the
hardest word
Band Intro
Don’t let the sun go
down on me
I’m still standing
Bitch is back
Crocodile rock
Your song
Nachbrenner: Elton John in Uelzen: Absicht oder falsche Flugroute? - ein Pressebericht
So wundervoll war die „Wonderful Crazy Night“ mit Sir Elton John in Uelzen!